
成绩单 & 订购



If you attended both 中北书院 and Shimer College, order each transcript separately through the respective links above.

Transcript ordering and fulfillment services for 中北书院 are provided by Parchment.


订购你的品格教育学院成绩单, please visit 中北书院’s Parchment storefront at http://www.parchment.com/u/registration/33396/account.

Begin placing your transcript order as if for a 中北书院 transcript. Then select “品格教育学院” on the Item Details page when ordering.

注意: 如果你也曾就读于立博在线体育, your 品格教育学院 transcript is a separate record and will not include any undergraduate or graduate coursework taken by you at 中北书院. 单独订购你的NCC和CEI成绩单.


中北书院 offers electronic, mailed, or in-person pickup options:

  • 安全PDF文稿(电子传送) - $7.00 /份. Fulfillment of PDF transcript orders for Shimer students and for North Central students who first enrolled before Fall 1995 may require additional processing time.
  • 成绩单打印件(邮寄) - $7.00 /份. Printed transcripts may be sent directly to the recipient via First Class mail, 或通过联邦快递收取额外费用.
  • 打印成绩单(亲自领取) - $11.00 /份. 订购时选择“本地取货”. Printed transcripts may be collected from the Office of the Registrar during normal business hours with a valid photo ID. You will receive an email notification when your transcript is ready.

中北书院 does not provide faxed transcripts due to security, 数据传输, 隐私方面的考虑.

中北书院 issues official transcripts for both undergraduate and graduate students and alumni, 还有希默学院的学生和校友. Transcript requests will be processed for all students who order a transcript. 然而, students or alumni who owe a past due financial balance are encouraged to contact Student Accounts at studentaccounts@noctrl.edu 或630-637-5689讨论付款机会. Official transcripts will be released for students with past due balances, provided the transcript request meets the requirements for such release as stipulated in Illinois Public Act 103-0054.

学位在每学期结束时授予. Diplomas will be issued approximately 6-8 weeks after the end of the semester. Diplomas are not released to students owing a past due balance to the College.



Currently, 中北书院 only issues Official 成绩单, and only upon the authorized online request of the student, graduate or former student.

然而, an Unofficial Transcript is available in Merlin to current students, for reference only. 这份非官方的记录上有这个学生的名字, 课程, 学期, 完成学时, 成绩及累积绩点, 但没有指出中北是该机构. North Central does not make this record available to anyone but the student. Current students may access this record through Merlin (学生 > Academic Profile > Transcript).

一旦你不再是学生, you will retain Merlin access until the end of the following semester (usually about 6 months). 在那之后, your Merlin access will be terminated and if you wish to review your academic record for any reason, 是否为个人, 学术或专业目的, 你需要订购一份官方成绩单. Please refer to the college’s account termination policy at http://its.noctrl.edu/accounts-passwords/student-account-removal-policy.


一般成绩单事实,类型 & 信息


An Official Transcript is an official document used for the purpose of outlining your academic history at the college. It provides a term-by-term list of your 课程 including 课程 in progress and future registered 课程. 尝试和获得的学分, 的成绩获得, 学期绩点、累积绩点和学术成绩, 包括荣誉, 留校察看和开除会显示在成绩单上. Degrees conferred along with major(s) and minor(s) are also listed. Extracurricular activities and non-classroom achievements are not included on an Official Transcript.

学院's transcript is a complete record of all academic work taken at this institution, regardless of whether the student was enrolled at the undergraduate level or graduate level or both. 学院不出具部分成绩单.



An academic transcript is the College’s official certification of 课程 taken by, 取得的成绩:, 以及授予个别学生的学位. 学生 and alumni may need an academic transcript when seeking admission to graduate or professional schools, 申请外部奖学金和研究金, 转往其他机构, 或者填写就业申请.



The 品格教育学院 curriculum is not a 中北书院 academic program. 因此, students who have attended both 中北书院 and the 品格教育学院 will have a separate transcript for each. A 品格教育学院 transcript does not include any undergraduate or graduate coursework a student may have taken at 中北书院, and a 中北书院 transcript does not include any 品格教育学院 课程 a student may have taken.



Grades are recorded on transcripts at the end of each academic term. Currently-enrolled students may request that a transcript order be held until grades for the current term are recorded or until a degree is conferred and posted. 此选项在订购期间显示. 对于那些要求此选项的人, official transcripts will not be produced until all grades and/or degrees have been finalized and posted in order to avoid sending partial grade information. Once grades and/or degrees have been processed for all students, transcript production will resume.

Questions regarding transcripts or transcript orders may be directed to North Central’s Office of the Registrar at registrar@noctrl.edu or 630-637-5252.